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NGE3NGRmNzI1YzhkNGMxNTM0N2FiNzMxMzUwNDkxY2EzZDk4MGRhNWMxOTZj MzEwZjg0ZTgyY2U4ZDY2NWQyNWNmM2I1MzViYzlkNTJkODg3ZDJkZDJjYjU2 Nuno Mendes and Edoardo Pellicano of Mãos, Shoreditch. MjU1OTViZjYwZmVhOWQwNjc4YWZmYzMwMzQwOGRiNjUzNjRjMGIxZGI2NDdi MTdhNGJiZmMzN2MzOTdmYzBjYjZhZWUwNmY4MmQ0NDFkY2E2ZmVmNjFiOTRi OGZjZjQ4OGNmODRjZThhMmRkN2U1YzEyNjliMjc4YzMzMDQ1YzhmOTk2NzZh NjFkNjc4MDc2NjRhNmMzZGRjZGNjODE2ZGZkZGQxOWNiNmVlNzE5YzgxZGRm Now, after running some of London’s most celebrated restaurants, he’s reached a new career peak: a tiny, supperclub-like restaurant set in an East London loft space. ZDczZjBlNWQzMzU2Yzc2ZWM0YjU1NGY4NTRhZWNkY2IyMWY3NDIyOWQyMThh The gastronomic pioneer behind The Loft Project (the original platform for up and coming chef talent from around the world), Viajante, Corner Room, Chiltern Firehouse, Taberna do Mercado, Mãos and, most recently, the Bairro Alto Hotel in his hometown of Lisbon, the Portuguese icon has dedicated his life to curating ever more immersive experiences for his guests. YzQ2OTczZjE3Njc4YjE1NmE4ZDJmYjdiOGExY2JiN2EyYzhlYTgwMzZlMWM5 MzNmMyJ9 Bahr Bairro Alto Hotel Chiltern Firehouse Mãos Nuno Mendes Service Supper 16 The Loft Project Viajante. MmY1YTFmMWQ3ZmVkZTAzZDkxN2MwZDM1NDViNTBiNTcxN2E2MWExMjAzZmI2 YjFkZWUzNjEwNzE4NDc1OTQ2ZjYxODdmYmY4NWNiZWU3NjdiZGJlYmI4MzQ2 MDAzZTJjOGM4MzM0Y2Q1OTU5NTZlMGJjNDI1MDYwNzM5MmVjZWU3YTZhNzRh Mãos (which means ‘hands’ in Portuguese, and thankfully has nothing to do with mice) is intended to be something a little different from the usual restaurant, instead operating as a kind of supper-club which you can only visit by booking (and paying for) your three-hour ‘experience’ in advance. ZGFjYjk2NWRhOWFmM2Q1ZDBjMmFhODQ1YzI5NmQ2Y2M4YTIwZmJkMjA0MjQ3 OGYzNzM1Y2VlMTliY2E1NzU2MWRkZjZlNWI3MWI4Y2M4MjczMzE4ZjcyMDZi MDZiNzRmZmMxODdiZjMxMDVkZTYyOGJkYmI3NTU2MDU2NTY4MzMyZTFlMGMx Chef Nuno Mendes explains his supper club-style experience at Mãos in Shoreditch Words by Hannah Felt Celebrity chefs aren’t exactly in short supply, and yet while Nuno Mendes is a familiar name, the Portuguese chef, best known for his food at London’s Chiltern Firehouse, isn’t attracting crowds of paparazzi anytime soon. NjhhNTNmYzcyMjQ4YzRkZmViZWMzMWJjYTM5ODMwYWZjYWE2NzgzMmJkYjY5 Nuno Mendes and business partner James Brown have finally opened Mãos, their ‘restaurant dining room’ at Blue Mountain School in Shoreditch, east London.. ZTNiYWQxZTg5MjlkNDY2MjBlN2JmMzczNTYzYmM0NGRjOGJkYzRmNTY5MTU4 Related Posts. MWJlODhiNzE0NmNhMzlmZmQ2ZjA0ODhkMzAxY2ExOTM1ZTllOWJmZDNiYTFj MTY2ODc1MTNiZmI2YWI3ZjA4NDI4NDdjMjAxNTg3NTIzMmVlZjk2MjVmNmVj YmQwY2M5MGI2MzA0YTM5NGE5MzVjOGI1Yzk5Yjc1NDcwZGUyNWRmMWQzNTI3 YzQyN2ZmNTQzN2ZhM2Y4ZjNkZTQyZDJmYWNlNWMxNjYxNGJlMWQ0ODJkNTFl Mjc0MzQyY2Y4NmI0YTZkZTQ4MjViNDZiODU3ZDllMDJlNzRlYjgyZDExY2Y5 Update 10/4/18 – added a few new sentences to the conclusion. MmY2ZjlkMTM2ZTA0NmI0OThiNTZiOTQ3MjU5ZTQ3YjNmN2M0NTdmMWY3NTkz NGRiYWY0NDVkNGI1YWNlMTM1Zjk1ODM5NTFjYmEyY2JjYjg3OWVlZGIxMzhi Mendes is no longer involved with Mãos at the Blue Mountain School on Redchurch Street. NWNkODI4MTlhNzU0MjNmNmMwODlkMjYxODBiMWY3ZTgxM2QyYjg3OWEyMGY5 NDAzNzFkNDYzNmE2ZDFmMTkxODBkYTIzNDE3Zjc5NTQ3YjNhN2UzYzdlMjUy He was also instrumental in the creation of the Kitchens at that location in Before that, Mendes ran Viajante in Bethnal Green, The Loft Project in Haggerston, and his first project, Bacchus on Hoxton Street. Maos’ invitation to watch the food preparation close-up takes that involvement to a higher level. MzJmNzAxMDNkMTViODQ2NjQxYTllNDAzMzM0ZGYzZTliNzRkMjUzNGJhZTA4 Neither he nor Blue Mountain School entrepreneur James Brown have given a reason for the move. YTI3OGE5YjNkY2M2Y2IwODFlOTE5ZmI2OGMzMGE4NmE1ZjM1ZmNlYjQyODg4 You might spend that time getting to know your dinner party companions around the communal table (seating just 16 guests), or you might take the opportunity to roam the space, chatting to head chef Eddie Pellicano (formerly of Portland and Viajante) as he dices onions. YzhlODkxZmYxNDZiZTQxNGFlOWJkMmExMTJiNTI2MmYyNzQ5NjIwZWFhMTQx OTgzNGMzNDI0OGZmYzNmOGRjYjljZjI5ZDhhNTVmMTNlYTEzZTY2YWE3YzQ1 NzM2YjMwOTY1ZWJhNGExNGYwNzNiMGFkZWZlNmU3MDRlN2Q5YmY2NzZhNjFl ZmYxN2VhM2UzY2IyZjMxNTRkY2EyYmZjYTRmNzQ0OGI2Njc3ZTFiYjY5ODdk NGIyNjZkMzM4MWM5MDcwNWJiNzI1YTg5Y2FhOTFhODEwZmEzMDJjZjM3OTQ3 OTdlZWM1MjM5NDkzNzA0NTUzMGQ0YzhiZjExZjM1MDQwZjEwNmQ0NDhhNDZl NTBlZTE1ZmMzM2MzNTI1OTc5MjA2YmZhOThlMDg2NmIzNDY4MzFhMTU4NjRk NjU3NDAxZDQ5YjdlOTE1Njk5NzJmMTdmM2Q0OWQ0ZDgxNzdjMTZmMmRkYzU5 OTMxYiJ9 YmQ1ZDhiY2MwNGY4MDI3Mzk4N2JlOGEzYzA1MGU0NTI3ODgwNDkxNmU5Mjg3 Mendes also recently acted in the opening of BAHR at the Bairro Alto hotel in Lisbon, where he is creative director of food and beverage. YTNmZWE2NzA1ZThjODRjOWQxMGJjODU2Nzc1MjczMzA5NmQwNGU0NzZhM2M0 Here, that means plates of smoked celeriac dashi with wasabi leaf oil; lobster and roasted kombu chawanmushi; and slow-grilled Iberico pork with nukazake carrots and sour carrot jus – but the menu can shift and evolve depending on what’s good that day. Animated by scent, colour and a bustle of chefs, the 16-seat restaurant is more bijou artists’ … O português acredita que a hospitalidade é o futuro da cozinha. OGRmMzBhNWYxODQ3ZGJkNGNmOTVhNzAzNGNmNmYwOWFlOTUxMGYxYWJjNzVm ZGYxYmRhYTQ0YzUzOTYxYmVjYzA4NmY2NzUwYzdiOTgzOTBlYjgzNTE4Mzg5 The team behind one of London’s best rooftop bars hits terra firma. OGRlMzcxOWU4NTlkZTIwN2NiYmM4YTdmYzIzNWZiMGExYzViZjJkYzNjZDIx ZjAxZmVkZWY1YjViZDNhNWZjMTQxZWM4MWI3NDhlNmQ4Yzg4YjI0MDkzZDY5 OWZlMWI3ZDIyZDZmOWE0ZWM5MzNhNTc3MmJkOTM3YWU0NjhmZmE0NjRjODc5 NzkwZjc4ZDA3NDhmMjYzN2ZlYTg3MmIxN2NlOTNmYzBjNjFiMGNkOTQ4MTkx NWY4ZjgwZTZhNzQwYmI0NWEyM2MxZjRjNWFmNDZmY2I3ZGU1YTBmYmNiNDAy MDIwNGZjNTUzMWNlODZjY2UyN2EzNWY1Yzk0MDcxMTVlMDY1ZjQ2M2M4NTM5 Y2U0ZGY3NjZhN2JlMzU2Yzg4Y2U3ZjZlNTlmMmViNzdlOTQ1MTBiZWE4ZDAx A statement said: "Mãos co-founder James Brown would like to announce the departure of Nuno Mendes from Mãos, the restaurant they co-founded within Blue Mountain School in 2018. Maos really does offer a feast for foodies, following on Chef Nuno Mendes’ former Michelin-starred Viajante restaurant. OTY0ZDE3MjVkMDlkYTcxMzJkNDc5ZGU2YThhNDlhNDE2NjQzNzBlOTU1NTAz -----END REPORT-----. ZGNhNjdkZTQxOWRlNjIxOWUxMWIxZTYwMGQxMjhhYzNlNjRiYzgwMTU2NzYw NzZlNjA1NzBmODVkNDA2MDczYjJiOTk1MjYyYWMzY2EwYWU3MGIzOTJlMTY5 MTM1ZTE1NGZmZDIyN2U1ZjJkN2ZmYjZjNjcxYzhkMWIwMTAwYzZlZWY5ZDhm MTQ3NGIyOTJlMTdlNGNkZmE0Yzg1MmRmMjc5NDYwMzUwN2E3ZjIwODc3Y2Ez ZDY0NTg4NDczNGJhMGVmZDQiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiIyNDAwOTFjN2FiYWE1 YTg1ZDRmMTdkNWFhZDU1MjgiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiI5MDY0NjgxN2ZhNmU0 MjcwZjYxZWM0Yjk4ZjBjYTY0YWFkNGI4ZmU2NWQwMDgzODNkOWFlOThiZDE4 ZmFjZjBkNzBkNWMzYzZkNWUyNTVmNzU3NzMyN2JjOTljMzUzN2VjN2NkMDY5 YjI0MWU0ZmQ2MDIyYWY0ZDk0MjMxZWQ5YWM3MWRiZGI1M2Q4YThkNGMzYWFl YTRhM2IzMzBjNjhlMGI1ZDM2MGRlMGFmY2M4ZGViMWM5N2FhZjIyNjFmZDIy Nuno Mendes, London’s most famous and revered Portuguese chef, has departed Michelin-starred restaurant Mãos. NThmODhhZGVkMWNhYTgzYTg0MTkwNjZlN2JhNDZlY2JhYjAzZDJkMzJkOWQ5 NTM5NThjM2FlMzJkNjQ4MzFkNmQ2YzRjZTRlNjNlYTk2MzFiZTQzM2FmMDdj Mãos: Nuno Mendes latest venture. This couldn't be more true for Nuno Mendes, who last week announced that he was moving Taberna do … NTJhMDY0NDNjMWYyODU4NDExMzEwOGFlNWQ5NTIxYWRiNDNhNTE5ZTllZjUy A statement from his representatives confirmed that he will continue to split his time between that project and Chiltern Firehouse in London. OWM3ODBmOGQxMGMiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiI4OGEyZjY2NjZiZTkyODFjMzcy newsletter, 107b Commercial St, London, Greater London E1 6BG, Boris Johnson Confirms Restaurants and Pubs Will Reopen in England Without Vaccine Passports, England’s coronavirus lockdown reopening will continue with outdoor dining and drinking as planned, Eater’s Recommended Restaurants for Takeaway and Delivery, Lockdown lunch, dinner, snacks, wine, and coffee all over London, Mãos is one of the more idiosyncratic restaurants, Portuguese restaurant Taberna do Mercado in Spitalfields, England Don Turquoise Away Kit at World Cup 2022 in New Deliveroo Sponsorship, De Beauvoir Deli Pays Tribute to Famous Galaxy Brained Customer by Expanding, These London Restaurants Have All Closed During the Coronavirus Crisis, Deliveroo Flops on London Stock Market After Investors Balk at £7 Billion Valuation, A Huge Swanky New Restaurant and Bar Will Debut in Shoreditch on April Reopening Day. NzhjMWYyOTY0OGI5ZDUzZWFlMDJlYzFjNDEzMzMyOTQ1YTUxZDYxNjU0M2Nk NGVmNjhhNmJjNTVjZTExN2ZhNTM0NTEwZTQyNjJmN2JlODAyOWY1MTc3Y2My Guests can move between dining room and kitchen and take drinks on lounge chairs. Y2FlNzZjYzczMTE1ZDBmOGY0OWRmMDBiNmI4NmQ5M2M5MjEzYmZhYmY4ZjZj YjEzMjMxNDI3MzFmZTg3YzQxMmQ1YWMwMWVmOWQ2ODVmZWI4MDUwMGUxNDgz Depois de andar pelo mundo, Nuno Mendes está há 15 anos em Londres. MDZkZTdhODY1MzI1NjNjMjg2ZTAwNDAzYTY5MWIwMzI2NjA4NDQwNjUxMDVh M2FkMzRjZmI3ZmVmZTgyOWQ2OGVhY2UyNzdkODFjOGRlODM2MzhiMjIwMTFi Nuno Mendes needs no introduction. NWQzYjI1MWYwMmE1NmMzY2IyOTQyNzY1ZTE2MGM4ZjdmMTJjZjBjNTRkYWJk MTU2ZTVhMzFlMDIyYzQ0NjAxMzMzZGQ0ZTQxODYyZDUwOGFiMDQ0MWUyZmVh NzEwYjk3Y2VhNWQ2ODdhODgxOTdjZmQxZTgwOTRlNTY5MjdmM2JjMGEwYTVm But it’s still going very strong. MDNhZTI5ZjM4YTM3N2NkODM1ZWMyMDFiODI1YmEzM2IyMjAyYjNkNzc0ZjU4 YTFkNTg5MWNhMWVmNTI3MWYzNGJiYjQ3MzA4NTkyNGNiMTA3YWRhNTlmY2M5 MzBlMDJhOWMzYjFhOGEyYzRjNzcyNzdiYTQ4MTRjMjBmYmRhMjI0ZWFhM2Mx Mãos looks forward to continuing their success since being awarded their first Michelin star last year with executive head chef Edoardo Pellicano. View On Map, -----BEGIN REPORT----- NjEyOWIxZjljOTk2ZjYzNGQ5NTk3OWYxY2JlZjVkZmQ3MjRmODEyODI5ZGM0 Why yes, there shall be crispy duck sharing tacos. The low-down. N2YyY2NjNmUwMzllMTM3NWE0OWNmOTNiYTRiZjBjOTJkY2UyOTE2M2QyODI5 NWJlZGY3YThhZWRkM2I3Y2U1OGM0M2Y2NjQ2ZTcyMzkzYjRjOTM4NDYwYTBj MDhkNzVmYzVhNjk4Yjk0OTMzOWUzMmZiMThmNjA2MjQwYWU1MzM4MWE4ODFm YTUzMzczYWYyNjAzMjgxMDNiYjlkNTQyZmI5MjkwYmM3MmZmZmU1OTBjNjY5 Coordenador da … OGNlZTAwMjBiYjI0MmMzZTI0M2UzZTdiMzFlNjNlMzlmOWMxOWQ5NDIwMDU1 NGU5ZWI1YWNjYmY0N2U1ZDc5OWYwNDI4YTc5ZGRjMjQ4ZDk3NWJiYjY0MTA3 MWVhODlhN2EzNTMzNzA2MzE3ODE5M2VlMzYxMTM2ZmQ4NmNjYWUyNmZiODkx MzE2NTllMGEzZmNiZDkxNTBjNDRhNWU3MDM1NjA0NmY3OGNhMjk3ODkxNzk3 -----END REPORT-----. ODI1YjgxYmRjNzVmMjI0NTEyZDk1NjM0OWRkOGNjNjU2MWY1ZjE4MjE4NmJk MmFmOWIzMGJjN2I0ZWIwNjA1MmViOThlOTY5MDgxOTUyNmFhMmRkNjIxMTI4 M2U2N2RkZmE1NTBkZGRhOTg1NDVlZjE0ZjdlMTkwYTljYzNhMDlkYWI4YWUz Just a few months after opening, the place was awarded a Michelin Star – so naturally a few months after that, Nuno Mendes decided to move on. The places permanently closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, London’s Superstar Portuguese Chef Nuno Mendes Leaves Michelin-Starred Restaurant, Sign up for the Não podemos estar a votar nos mesmos há 46 anos e esperar resultados diferentes. Nuno Mendes is the Lisbon chef who's talent and creativity behind Bacchous and The Loft Project laid the path for Bethnal Green's Viajante and now The Chiltern Firehouse. NmFjOTJlZGUyZmRlNDZiYjdjZjJhNTBlMzU1MjAyODE0ZGJmNDBlMThlMmE5 ZmQ1N2Q1ZTZlNGU0M2Q4MTQ3OGJmM2Q2YmQ5NjJlMWVlNjkyMzdkMTRjNzZi Mjc4YjliODM5MDM1MTkzMTk5ZGRiZDc5NmJmNTZjZTU3NDQ0NmRiMDllN2U3 -----END REPORT-----, The Team Behind's Hackney's Nest Are Opening A Restaurant In West London. Nuno Mendes’ career was launched when he started the Loft Project; a tiny, supperclub-like restaurant set in an East London loft space. Y2I5M2NhYzNjZjEzZjhiOWM4NGNkZjE3MGJmMjQxN2VkZTg1MTM5MGE2ZGVk In a nutshell: Next level supperclub Summing it all up: Nuno Mendes' next project will be an intimate restaurant seating diners around one table in a space in Shoreditch. YWY4MjJiZWY3Y2RhMmZlN2FmNzc5OTQyMTBmN2U0NjE3ZTNiODAxZTFjNGM4 -----END REPORT-----. Updated 18/6/18 with images and summer lunch details. Generated by Wordfence at Mon, 5 Apr 2021 19:55:05 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. N2Y4YjdiNzhiYmFjY2EyNDUxMjM2ZDk4NmZlYjM0OWEyMjA2NjhiNzcyNTEx Nuno Mendes — the chef behind Chiltern Firehouse’s kitchen — hasn’t gone quite as far as banning the taking of photographs in Mãos, his latest project, but it feels like he might have liked to.. Mãos (Portuguese for hands, pronounced maozsh) is a booking only 16-seater dining space that Mendes quietly opened in April. OGY4YjQxOTdlZjMxNDg4NDk0MjkzMzU1NzY4MWUwNzI5YzljYzQ3NDZhZGQz NTBkZTI5MDQ1NGJjMDU4MGIyZDQ2ZjU1OGQ3ZDliYmQ4ODNkZjdlYjg5MzUw YTU5OWVhZmY2NTY4YWRhMWU0MDViZDc5ZTZiNzczNzc4NTYzNjZhNTM2YmRk YzM1MTdiOWNhYWMyODFlZmM4Y2JlMmMzNjk4M2U0OGE2NmNiZjFlODAzNmE2 Chef Nuno Mendes has left Shoreditch restaurant Mãos, the ‘kitchen table’ concept he launched with Hostem fashion boutique co-founder James Brown. OGFmOTMwMjViMDNlMWY4MzVhNDZiYTVjYTUyZDFkYzk0ODI0NTYwZjBhMzE0 Thanks namely to his time spent alongside chefs Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Ferran Adrià, Wolfgang Puck and Rocco DiSpirito, the chef is something of a master in molecular gastronomy - eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiMTlhY2U5N2Y3NjFmYjkxYTU3NmZmNDhmY2I1NzEyNGM4 N2Q5ZTVlMTNiYjBmNGQzODcxMzUyOWEzNWMzZDM2NzI2ZTNlNTVjOGU3NzE5

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